Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hati Si Kecil Talk show program: Malaysia Child Sexual Abuse

This is my group assignment about organizing a talk show program entitled
" Hati Si Kecil" in order to overcalm child sexual abuse that happen in Malaysia.

our talk show television programe

Malaysia Child Sexual Abuse Overview

Recently in Malaysia, the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development reported 934 child abuse including sexual abuse cases in 2000. Within a span of five years, the number of reported cases almost doubled to 1,800 in 2005. International experience however suggests that this may represent only the tip of the iceberg. The Ministry’s statistics reveal that neglect and child sexual abuse cases remain the primary form of violence against children in Malaysia with underlying causes relating to family disagreements, alcoholism, addiction and gambling.

What is Child Sexual Abuse?

According to Creighton and Russell, 1995, they define that child sexual abuse as the

“involvement of dependent children under the age of 16 in sexual activity which they do not fully understand and to which they are not in the position to give informed consent – the activity being intended to gratify or satisfy the needs of other person.”

In fact, it been said that the sexual interest in children may start in the abusers’ own childhood (NCH, 1992; Barbaree, Marshall and Hudson, 1993 Glasgow et al., 1994), Resulting in lifetime abuse careers involving large numbers of children (Becker, 1994).
The effects of child sexual abuse also can result in physical effects such as injury, death, disease and pregnancy. While the psychological effects ranging from unhappiness to severe mental illness, and direct and indirect social effects resulting from the abuse and from child protection interventions.

Child Sexual Abuse and Malaysia Cultural Sensitivity

According to Finkelhor (1984), he said that Patriarchal communities (mostly Asian countries) which in a community there must have a leader, use sex as the touchstone of their moral purity and daughters as the bearers of this cultural icon. So Asian girls carry the double burden of the projection of cultural purity, literally, upon their bodies and must having to keep silent if this very purity is despoiled, for fear it would damage their community which has so heavily invested its self-image in them. Apart from that, Malaysia has been seen as a country that can be group as Patriarchal community and also practice culture sensitivity especially in handling child sexual abuse.