The first time I met him was at crowded place
It was called Bazar Ramadhan Msjid Tanah by the local
I wore pink scarf and red shirt with boot cut jeans
Simple but cute…THAT IS MY MOTTO hahaha
I put blusher at my cheeks for the first time…
I don’t know how to put blusher actually at that time…
I wonder what his impression….Perhaps he looks me like a clown going to a show….Yap I learn a lesson… to impress others we must not be to impressive..If not you will end up being so not u…
I wore pink scarf and red shirt with boot cut jeans
Simple but cute…THAT IS MY MOTTO hahaha
I put blusher at my cheeks for the first time…
I don’t know how to put blusher actually at that time…
I wonder what his impression….Perhaps he looks me like a clown going to a show….Yap I learn a lesson… to impress others we must not be to impressive..If not you will end up being so not u…
Seeking him at that crowded place was like looking an ant in sugar…
Luckily he wore his uniform…so I just seek a guy wearing a uniform
And looks like the picture that he gave to me previously…
Both of us looking each other at that place..
Along the way…I met several guys wearing the same uniform like him.One is dark, one is short and one is too tall …they were definitely not him..hehe
But one thing that they all were similar…they were all BOLD…
Then my eyes glance again seeking for the right guy as my feet also walked with heart pounding….Suddenly POOP!! I know this guy…his the one..he didn’t recognize me at first.
Then I speak out…Hai!!! Then he smiled at me and said “Hai, mun?”
Both of my friends move away and give us some space together…ehmm nice tactic you guys…
Then both of us talk all the way along the Bazar until he brought me to KFC nearby…
He bought me a KFC SNACK PLATE….
Gosh..first time ever a man buy me a KFC heheh….
By he such a gentlman, he talk to me nicely, he smile brightly + handsome too hahaha….
At 6.30 p.m we quietly went back…still student + junior maaa cannot go out late…after all at that time was fasting month….
But to conclude this boy impress me for the first time….I wonder what his impression about me that time??? Ehmmmm…..
(all picture are not actual scene there just for imagination only)
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