Monday, May 31, 2010

Gemalai Tari Warisan Melayu

One of my group assigment work was to conduct a plan for Malay Traditional Dance :Gemalai Tari Warisan Melayu. Check out the design for each details of the event. Seriously need lot of effort to conduct this assignment from designing, planning, reporting, printing, budgetting until presenting. Believe me, this assignment makes u insomnia through months... HUwaaaaaaaaa.. but it gives my groupmates and i a satisfaction once the assignment had finished. The gred mark for this assignment was just B+. hahaha......

Tentative programe

Event Book Cover. Front and Back



Event Logo

Invitation Card for Agung

invitation card for VIP

Front Stage


Letter to editor

One of my assignment on how to write a letter to editor. Sorry if there are many mistakes here and there. Like usual, this assignment must be finished and submitted within 1 hour. class I was so stressed up during doing this assignment.

Date: 5nd October 2009

Dear: News Straits Times Editor
Subject: Letter of Apologize to the Belgium Couple.

Dear Editor,

Previously, I had read a letter from a Belgium couple who complained at the News Straits Times about their worst experienced during the last vacation at Pangkor Island in Malaysia. Due to the letter, I as the public relations director of the State Tourism Board of Malaysia would like to respond on the issue.

After hearing all the unpleasant experience that they had through during their vacation at Malaysia such as no clean water, no proper system of sanitation, no real accommodation and unpalatable food been served, we felt very responsible to over calm this issue by taking fully responsible to fix back all the unpleasant experiences that they had through.

Moreover, I on behalf of my company also would like to apologize to all the trouble and worst experienced that the Belgium couple had received from Pulau Pangkor Island Resort workers as they were lack of concerning to give nice treat and pleasure to the couple.

Due to this problem, we would like to offer the couple to receive another package of vacation in Pulau Pangkor. This time, we will ensure that the next vacation will be the best vacations ever the couple had received in their whole life time.

Firstly, we will offer a nice VVIP Suite in the Pulau Pangkor Island Resort for 3 days and 2 nights at any time that they wish to spend their holiday. The suite certainly is full with accommodation such as Jacuzzi, a King size bed with two more other addition single size bed , plasma television, air conditioner and others. We also will provide a tourist guide for the couple to enjoy their vacation travelling around the island while visiting lots of wonderful places at the island.

In the other hand, we also would love to offer free charge special activities that we had provided at the island to the couple. The activities such as spa, scuba diving, fishing, kayaking, and jungle track and karaoke is free for the couple during their holiday at the island. Moreover, the couple will receive RM300 voucher for them to spend at any souvenir shops at the island.

Perhaps the best part of this whole vacation is the couple had received two way free tickets from Belgium to KLIA and KLIA to Belgium. The tickets are sponsored by Malaysia Tourism as apologize to the couple regarding on the issue.

Last but not least, the couple must not worry about the food that will be serving to them at the resort. Instead of providing local food, we also will serve varieties of international food for the couple to choose according to their interest.

Apart from all, I hope that the couple will accept the offers and apologize that we had gave to them in order for them to have back their wonderful holiday at Pangkor as they deserve to. We also hope that the issue also will be settling and the couple can promote their relatives or friend to visit Malaysia as it offers lots off interesting places.

Your Sincerely,
Nur Munirah Binti Abdul Rahim
Public Relations Director of the State Tourism Board of Malaysia
012 5302508

My Press Release...

this is one of my assignment for subject writing for media. Previously our lecturer Pn Hamidah Karim will give us a task or issue for us to come out with press release that relate with the issue .Within 1 hour, we must write, type and then print out it. In media, press release is use for announcement of an event, performance, or other newsworthy item that is issued to the press. Once the press release been submit to the press, they will have the right to use the whole press release or to cut off some unecessary information before it been publish as news.well for this assignment i only got 7/10.Obviously i'm not goo in writing.just wanna share my experience by doing this press release.

Press Release 28th August 2009

Saving Water for Essential Use

A “Saving Water” campaign will be held by Malaysian Government at Shah Alam Stadium on this 1st September 2009. This campaign is hoping to be involved by all Malaysian society in order for them to take actions in saving their water usage.

Government had exclaim all Malaysian to save water after Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor (SPLASH), Perbadanan Urus Air Selangor (PUAS) and Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS) had warn that our water level had reached the bottom due to the drought that had hit the country for three months.

Apart from that, government had announced that a campaign must be conduct in order to persuade the public to save water. The “Save Water” campaign must be implementing by every household or family in our country to use water for essentials such as drinking, cooking and bathing. Through this action, the water usage can be reduced and the water level also can be maintained from dangerous level.

Instead of government as the main organizer for this campaign, they will be also media such as TV3, NSTP, STAR and RTM that will be together involve in making this campaign become more effective and successful to public.

Issue by : Syarikat Pengeluar Air Sungai Selangor (SPLASH)

Contact : Nur Munirah Bt Abdul Rahim

Public Relations of Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication

012 5301508


Tel. Fax : 053215721

Email :

i miss u

  1. i miss our moment at melaka,pntai puteri,dtrn pahlawan, alam, masjid tnh, kfc,eye on
  2. i miss to walk fast with you while you hold my hand, walking all around KL
  3. i miss all the memories with Saga orange
  4. i miss u when seeing big apple
  5. i miss to see u eating so many times in a day
  6. i miss to wipe my sweat at you shirts
  7. i miss ur 'nobody' ringtone
  8. i miss ur sweetness, ur smile
  9. i miss ur kek lapis serawak
  10. i miss u sooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhh the whole about you

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memoirs me and u...

Me and U....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The 1st impression

The first time I met him was at crowded place

It was called Bazar Ramadhan Msjid Tanah by the local
I wore pink scarf and red shirt with boot cut jeans
Simple but cute…THAT IS MY MOTTO hahaha
I put blusher at my cheeks for the first time…
I don’t know how to put blusher actually at that time…
I wonder what his impression….Perhaps he looks me like a clown going to a show….Yap I learn a lesson… to impress others we must not be to impressive..If not you will end up being so not u…

I asked two of my good friends to come accompany me to meet him
Seeking him at that crowded place was like looking an ant in sugar…
Luckily he wore his uniform…so I just seek a guy wearing a uniform
And looks like the picture that he gave to me previously…
Both of us looking each other at that place..
Along the way…I met several guys wearing the same uniform like him.One is dark, one is short and one is too tall …they were definitely not him..hehe
But one thing that they all were similar…they were all BOLD…
Then my eyes glance again seeking for the right guy as my feet also walked with heart pounding….Suddenly POOP!! I know this guy…his the one..he didn’t recognize me at first.
Then I speak out…Hai!!! Then he smiled at me and said “Hai, mun?”

OMG he’s so handsome more than I saw inside the picture…even he was bold at that time…he still look very handsome with his uniform…
Both of my friends move away and give us some space together…ehmm nice tactic you guys…
Then both of us talk all the way along the Bazar until he brought me to KFC nearby…
He bought me a KFC SNACK PLATE….
Gosh..first time ever a man buy me a KFC heheh….

I think for the first time I met him..i was fall in love with him..not because for the KFC…
By he such a gentlman, he talk to me nicely, he smile brightly + handsome too hahaha….
At 6.30 p.m we quietly went back…still student + junior maaa cannot go out late…after all at that time was fasting month….
But to conclude this boy impress me for the first time….I wonder what his impression about me that time??? Ehmmmm…..

(all picture are not actual scene there just for imagination only)

Loving a Mariner…

Loving a Mariner isn't just a play,
Loving him truly is a high price to pay.

It's being alone with nothing to hold,

It's being young, but feeling old.

It's loving him whisper his love for you,

It's whispering back, you love him too.

There's always a kiss and a promise for more,

As his ship slowly glides away from the shore.
Reluctantly, painfully, letting him go,
While you're dying inside from wanting him so.
Watching him leave with eyes filled with tears,
Standing alone with your hopes, dreams, and fears.

It's sending a letter with the stamp upside down,
To a far away love, in a far away town.
It's going to temple, to kneel and to pray,
And really meaning the things that you say.

Days go by - no mail for a spell,
You wait for some words to hear that he is well.
Then a letter arrives and you're given in,
To open this letter and read with a grin.

Yes, he is well and misses you so,
And filled with the love you wanted to know.
Weeks are like months, and months are like years,
You wait for the day you'll have no more fears.
Days go by slowly - how many have passed?
Then suddenly you realize it's here at last!

Yes loving a Mariner isn't much fun,
But it's worth the price when the heart is won.
And remember he is thinking of you every day,

He's sad, he's lonely, while so far away.
So love him and miss him and hold your head high,
Be strong and have faith - wipe that tear from your eye.
Your man is a Mariner, like those who have gone before,
It's a high price to pay for loving a Mariner!

(this sweet poem is writing by other person that i also to the author)

waiting for my dear at his ship`click play'

Thursday, May 27, 2010

CuTe BeaR.......

Teddy Gram Note Generator