this morning my b inform me..he went to medical checkup with his mom yesterday..after all this medical check up was for the requirement of Haj. Yeap, he gonna perform his Haj around October..
He text me:
He text me:
"kndungan gula dlm drh tnggi la syg..mak bising dh ni" hehe
actually, i was not suprised when he informed to me about his sugar dosage in blood. there were few times i had nagging to him about the amount of sugar dosage that he had taken. U all just can b if he went to kdai mamak..he will order milo...then after he had finished the milo, then he will ordered syrup lychee PULAK!!!!...aish...see.. that one in front of my eyes..back of me, i just don't know how much sugar he had taken..
"B...plez..take less sugar plez..I LOVE U SO MUCH!!"
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